
A Closeness

by HRM on October 23, 2012

The baboons yell, warning their symbiotic mates, the impala, against encroaching predators. The long limbed and skittish impala and the squirrely and dexterous baboon seem an unlikely set of friends.


Un Samedi

by HRM on July 2, 2012

Two artists, one subject. Bernadette Kelly paints Diane while Kit Brown photographs her; Sam Gordon and Ambarish Manepalli film them at work in the studio. Like jazz, the artists riff off one another.



by HRM on June 16, 2012

Kyrie Kristmanson’s latest musical project, an interpretation of musical and lyrical manuscripts dating back to 12th century southern France composed by a compelling group of female songwriters known as les troubadours, will be premiered this Sunday, 17 June, at l’Église Notre Dame d’Espérance in Paris, France.


The part that fades

by HRM on May 14, 2012

I had rounded the corner onto Dover when a woman took my shoulder as she passed. She led three balloons bobbing on strings. A little girl trailed closely behind. Suddenly, in that moment, everything became you: that little girl, her lemon yellow balloons. The girl was your age – the age you will always be – face to the sky, watching the balloons bounce as she tiptoed the cobbles.


Animal sympathies

by HRM on May 11, 2012

In a film series shot by Sam Gordon for Her Royal Majesty, we interview the artists in residence at 59 Rivoli, after-squat in central Paris. In this film, Mariko Saito talks about her process and her inspirations: animals, childhood, and stars, automatic thinking.


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